Laborers Safety Training

Workplace safety is integral regardless of your current employment. However, we all have to agree that some industries are far more hazardous than others. Anyone who has ever passed a construction site must have a sense of how dangerous it can be. This is why laborers need to have extensive and reputable safety training and certifications to keep themselves and the people around them safe from harm.
Having conscientious and knowledgeable construction workers is every contractor’s goal. They know that risk- and injury-free working environments should always come first, despite the deadlines. This attitude is birthed during the program and further nurtured through practice and teamwork.
Unfortunately, a completely secure construction site is still not a thing. However, with the help of the right certifications and knowledge, laborers can aim to create a safer environment for themselves and their colleagues.
It’s a little-known but devastating fact that many work-related accidents happen on construction sites every minute. Therefore, it’s of utmost importance that anyone involved in these activities possesses essential knowledge that may be integral in saving someone’s life one day. Getting workplace safety training at a reputable center will equip construction laborers with core information they can use to prevent accidents and help build a healthy working environment.
We at NWLETT take pride in our carefully designed courses to help construction workers grasp and use techniques used to keep others and themselves safe. The safety training orientation program is for anyone working in the building industry and may cover the following topics.
Fire safety should always be a priority, regardless of the occupation. Building sites are a fire hazard, so it’s of utmost importance for laborers to possess enough knowledge to handle a potentially serious situation. Most courses will ensure workers can identify fire hazards, know what to do in case of a fire, how to prevent one, and how to evacuate safely.
Being on a fire watch is an entirely different matter, though. This particular course is aimed toward laborers with a special task assignment. By the end, they should know when to notify the fire department and the building occupants in case of an emergency or if there aren’t any automatic fire warnings, how to extinguish small fires, and handle distressed colleagues or observers.
Unfortunately, workplace accidents happen, and while you’re waiting for the ambulance to arrive, it’s essential to know what you should or should not do to assist the injured party more efficiently. With first aid and CPR training, the apprentices will learn how to handle smaller injuries, clean minor cuts, apply bandages, remove debris from the eyes, treat heatstroke, etc.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created to protect employees in the workplace. They’ve set rigorous standards in 1970 and have been making sure employees and employers follow them ever since. The 10-hour OSHA course is aimed at entry-level positions where the laborers will have a chance to learn more about common safety and health hazards. On the other hand, the 30-hour training is for executives or supervisors, as it covers a wider range of topics on workplace safety.
The OSCA training is for all of those looking to work in refineries. Upon completion, students will know the basic principles of working in high hazard facilities, including how to handle equipment, protect themselves, properties of different chemicals, and more.
If you are looking for employment in the construction industry, you must obtain workplace safety certifications. NWLETT takes pride in offering top-quality, elaborate courses that will equip you for a successful career in the building realm. You can contact us by dialing the numbers on our page or filling out the form below. Our staff will contact you as soon as possible with answers to all your inquiries.